Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Salad, spaghetti and "meatballs."

So I got tricked on Valentine's Day, and I loved it. Harbor texted me just before he was going to arrive to pick me up and told me that he was "running late" so I had to drive over to his apartment and when I walked in, I saw this little setup in his living room and got so excited. A romantic dinner at home, cooked by my favorite boy. 

See, I've been hearing about these famous meatballs his mom makes since we started dating, but because I don't eat meat (I mean, I eat fish - I'm a pescetarian - so technically yes, I do eat meat) and I've never been able to sample their deliciousness. So guess what the sweet boy did? He looked up a recipe for vegetarian meatballs and used lentils to recreate his mom's recipe. They were SO good, like better than we could have imagined good, and we'll be eating the leftovers tonight. (Maybe he'll let me post his recipe on here... I'll have to ask him.) It was his first time using the kitchen in his place, and that was a challenge as well. Look at that teeny-tiny stove!

We enjoyed delicious sparkling peach cider from our IKEA visit the day before, and he bought me my favorite brand of red wine too. I got Harbor the latest Wild Nothing record for Valentine's Day, so we enjoyed the sound-quality that only vinyl has to offer while we dined. Super romantic and just really cozy and fun.

And it wasn't over yet. We were craving a sweet treat after dinner (but, when are we not?) so we brainstormed and decided that it was late enough to brave the restaurant world and take advantage of an evening out. We went to Carrabba's and hoped a yummy dessert would catch our eye. Turns out they make canolis with pistachios in them! I was in heaven. Harbor got an espresso and I finished the evening with a crazy-good chocolate dessert martini.

Hope your evening was special, whether you spent it with someone or not.


  1. Sounds like a fun and delicious evening! You'll have to post that recipe if you can get it:-) xoxo

  2. AWWH! Sounds like the sweetest night! Glad to hear your guy treated you to a lovely night! Oh, and I bought Scott a record for Vday as well!

  3. Sounds fantastic! The food looks divine :]
