The past two days have been really, really low-key and relaxing. Yesterday I got to sleep in (finally!) then spent the day hanging with my friend Carra, icing cupcakes, watching Harbor play a show, and eating way too many salty snacks. Today I enjoyed church then headed over to Sonny's BBQ to eat lunch with the boys before they drove to Tampa for their show tonight. So now I'm full of salad and cornbread (aaand corn nuggets) and ready to tackle some projects I've had lying around for too long. But, first.. it's time for this weekend's cutest-ever projects!
Cutest Nailpolish Award goes to...

The Clothes Horse. I stumbled across this blog post while aimlessly reading this week. I thought they were beautiful and wanted to try them myself, but I had just painted my nails a pretty grey color. I decided to give it a go anyway.
Mine didn't turn out nearly as pretty, but I'm excited to try again with black nail polish soon. (And, before you ask, I bought that ring during a lunch break for a quarter.)
Cutest Collaborative Journal Award goes to...

Katie Licht! This lady is super talented. I met her through Elsie and Rachel's "Tell Your Story" Art Journaling Course almost a year ago, and have been an admirer of her work ever since. I love logging onto my Flickr or Tumblr account and finding her work. She's really sweet. I love her style, her eye for design and composition, and her cute doodles. Plus, she's got the best collection of ephemera and odds and ends. (Check out Katie's Flickr, and her Tumblr too.)
Best-Idea-I-Didn't-Know-I-Was-Already-Doing Award goes to...
Little Tiny Photo of the Week! The Dainty Squid makes Project 365 so much easier with her 52-week Instax Photo version. "52 Weeks of Instax" is a fun way to incorporate your Fugi film love with a neat memory project for 2011. One of my goals for 2011 was to take more (high-quality) Instax Mini photos, and I love the idea of taking one every single week. And, thanks to Harbor, I have a brand new Instax Mini-print photo album (thanks, Photojojo!) to store all my memories in. I highly encourage this project if you're into instant film too.
Today's goals:
1. Make/bake cupcake pushpins
2. Finish up my Haiti "thank you" notes
3. Create some sparkle bracelets for friends
4. Figure out how the heck you're supposed to turn granny squares into a blanket! I can't tell you how excited I'll be when I'm all curled up and granny chic.

Hope your weekend is restful too.
hey! i found your blog through my flickr stats. thanks for linking my image, and thanks for the sweet compliments too. :)