Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Making friendship bracelets, so photos can wait.

Tonight's been a very welcome gift to my over-anxious mind the past few weeks. I've decided that I will continue this place of mental stillness by flipping through my new ReadyMade magazine (no reading just yet, I like to look at it first), starting a friendship bracelet with the new cross stitching floss I snagged tonight on my Michael's date with Marz, and attempting to finish Bossypants. Oh, and petting little Matilda of course.

I finished going through the wedding photos last night. But, after putting the entire lot on Facebook I decided I wasn't ready to tackle a wedding post on the blog just yet. However, since I can't resist... 

More wedding photos to come. I promise I won't forget. :) And, while we're on the topic of photos, definitely go check out Allie's Flickrsteam. She has the cutest photos from our friend's baby shower earlier this month. I loved looking through them. She's so talented.

How do you like to unwind? Do you have any friendship bracelet making tricks or tutorials you'd like to pass my way? I used to be pretty good at them, but I need a refresher for sure.



  1. To unwind I like to read books, blogs, sip coffee, and chat with my love.

    Your friend's wedding looks beautiful!

  2. i've been meaning to start making friendship bracelets again! i took up crocheting to see if it was a good craft for unwinding, but it stressed me out too much. plus friendship bracelets = summertime. i made so many of them as a kid that it's like automatic muscle memory to do it again, so i'm not a lot of help on tutorials and stuff.

  3. The pin wheels look so cool!
